Fund Creation
Central European Shopping Centre Development Fund
- Originated the Central European Retail Property Fund, a US $120 million equity capitalised Central European shopping centre development fund.
- Lehman Brothers was selected as fund co-investor and as financial partner to help close the fund.
- Fund was one of the first European real estate opportunistic private equity funds.
- Fund was co-led by Michael Roskelly / Jones Lang LaSalle, together with Lehman Brothers and Bouygues counterparts.
- Developments included the Wola Park shopping centre in Warsaw.
Shopping Centre Investment Fund
- Cadenza and Commerz Grundbesitz Investmentgesellschaft (CGI) jointly sponsored a €250 million equity investment fund for Central Europe targeting shopping centre investment opportunities.
- Structured a Luxembourg SICAV fund vehicle to support the investment initiative.
MRU Central European Investment Recovery Fund
- In 2009/10 Cadenza was a partner in sponsoring a €250 million equity real estate investment recovery fund targeting Central Europe.
- Responsible for structuring the fund and running the shopping centre investment strategy.
- Funded the set up costs and oversaw the structuring of a Luxembourg FCP Fund to support investment initiative.
- Underwrote in excess of €500 million of shopping centre assets to act as identified pipeline for the fund.
SEE Income Generation and Sustainable Development Fund
- Currently working on a €150 million Income Generation and Sustainable Development Fund concept for SEE.
- Objective is to anchor the investment initiative with a large scale urban regeneration pipeline Cadenza has identified in Belgrade.
- Assembled a “best of class” implementation team for the initiative subject to closing fund concept.